


我在美國的亞馬遜購物網站買了一些東西,因為總金額費用超過了3000台幣,所以在結帳時,它有預收了一筆"Import Fees Deposit "的費用,但我實際收到商品時,向DHL詢問,這個包裏並未被抽取任何的關稅,請問我要如何請亞馬遜退回這筆費用呢? 更新: 知識長!可不可以請您教我一下~mail的內容大概要怎麼寫阿?我很怕我詞不達意耶~ 更新 2: 知識長快救我! 亞馬遜回了以下的內容給我,意思是他們會自動退給我在60天的時候,還是我必需要先拿到證明寄去給他 他才會退啊? 更新 3: Orders that are shipped to countries outside the U.S. may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees charged by the destination country. Amazon Export Sales will estimate and collect an import fees deposit to certain destination countries. 更新 4: These funds will be used by the carrier or another agent to pay the import fees on your behalf to the appropriate authorities when your package reaches the destination country. The estimated import fees deposit will be displayed in the cost summary on the last page of our online order form, 更新 5: just before you submit your order. To obtain details regarding the Actual Import Fees, or to obtain documentation or receipts in connection with customs clearance, you must contact the Carrier specified in your shipment confirmation e-mail. 更新 6: Whenever the actual import fee deposit collected are less than we estimated, we'll issue a refund for the difference. We'll send you an e-mail once the refund goes through. Keep in mind that the process takes 60 days from the shipment date.


既然是deposit. 就有回來的機會. 我認為你應該回去原來Amazon給你的email. 裡面會有些連結讓你去申訴的. 再不濟, 只好寫email去給customer service囉. 2011-09-14 23:18:26 補充: In the mention transaction, there is a sum money of xxx is charged as a "import fee deposit". I would like to learn indeed there is a import fee occurred. Please provide me with the details. 大概是這樣. 要在更詳細的話, 需要看當時給你的東西. 然後如果對方有給, 或是給的不夠詳細, 在繼續追. 目前看來, 無法一次搞定. 2011-09-16 01:51:56 補充: 還是放在回答吧. 意見有字數限制, 我也不會常常回去查曾經放的意見, 無法看到你的回應. To obtain details regarding the Actual Import Fees, or to obtain documentation or receipts in connection with customs clearance, you must contact the Carrier specified in your shipment confirmation e-mail. 也就是說, DHL本身會有詳細到底有沒有繳關稅或是其他規費. Whenever the actual import fee deposit collected are less than we estimated, we'll issue a refund for the difference. We'll send you an e-mail once the refund goes through. Keep in mind that the process takes 60 days from the shipment date. 是說60天之後, 如果剩錢, 他們也是會退給你的. 如果你不想等, 可已準備好DHL給你的細節, 上面說明到底用掉多少關稅等等費用, 然後要求退款. 類似, enclosed is a detail from DHL for the mention order. I believe I am entitle for $xxxx.xx amount refund. Please assist for the refund of "Import Fees Deposit". Thank you very much. 署名, 要放上你的account number.... 這樣應該ok了. 記得, 這種錢會需要花點時間. 不過不至於語言障礙會不見.

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